20 May
20 May
* patrick thempel (patrick_thempel@yahoo.com) [030520 11:21]:
tried to download the patch or the full rpm, from the security annoncement page ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/8.0/sec1/openssh-3.4p1-4.i386.patch.rpm
only downloaded 0 bytes ( several times) updating with the new openssh from 8.2 didnt work, needs libraries.so6 and insserv that are not part of 8.0.
You're problem trying to download this from a web browser that's not giving you a very helpful error message. ftp.suse.com is very busy right now because of the 8.2 release and your connections are probably being rejected. Please use a mirror, http://www.suse.de/en/support/download/ftp/int_mirrors.html -- -ckm