I know I may get flamed here but I do use windows as much as I wish not to....so I am searching for a LIST about windows security. I think I may have a Trojan bot on my machine...akkk, they are like harpies (not herpies but harpies the little baby monsters), and Windows seems to be very susceptible to any germ out there..... PS I know I can set up my linux box to sniff at my windows box... how would I do a thing like that. I was hoping to have a direct link from the WIN to the LINUX for the task...what do I use on the linux box? nmap? I read about that someplace...any other tools? Thaanks... This is why I think I have a bot/Trojan, the first 2 lines, tcp port 1080 and 5000 and 139... they are up even when I have no IP assigned to my NIC, they are always there... and I have no idea is what is going on at those ports. I have a fire wall, Zonealarm and a linksys 4 port router that supports NAT...okay okay I am new to this stuff ....lol...but it's fun in some sick and twisted way that I can not figure out. So FLAME ON he he but with a side of help would be greatly appreciated. :) Active Connections Proto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP LISTENING TCP LISTENING TCP LISTENING UDP *:* UDP *:* UDP *:* UDP *:* UDP *:* UDP *:* Aaron L Johnson