6 Mar
6 Mar
Jurjen Oskam wrote:
Since then (presumably because it doesn't run under root privileges anymore?) named complains:
Mar 6 00:25:02 calvin named[5129]: couldn't create pid file '/var/run/named.pid'
I already tried to make named.pid owned by user named.
since named.pid is re-created every time named is restarted, named must have write privileges in /var/run the default of this dir in suse 6.3 is drwxrwxr-x 3 root uucp 1024 Mar 6 12:18 run so named must run in group uucp ... hth Markus -- ________________________________________ Markus Gaugusch markus@gaugusch.dhs.org ICQ-ID: 11374583 [www.mirabilis.com]