Thanks for your lightning fast answer! I know that the stuff from the /people-Directory is unofficial, but I sit here physically "far away" from my server at home and got no access to a SuSE8.1 install media. The ftp-version of 8.1 doesn't seem to contain amavis at all and so I got your "private" package via google. I tried your patches and amavisd does start now! :-) Let's look if it also scans my mails... P.S.: The server is "only" for my home network, so I am not worried about "unofficial" packages so much. P.P.S.: I upgraded the machine 7.3 -> 8.0 -> 8.1 and in the end there was a amavis-sendmail on it which also did not work. (Initially the 7.3 ran the official SuSE amavis-sendmail) P.P.P.S.: I'm also working on my diploma right now (Computer Engineering/ running a fancy "Carrera Bahn" controlled by two Linux-PCs...) ;-) -- Eat, sleep and go running, David Huecking. Encrypted eMail welcome! GnuPG/ PGP-Key: 0x57809216. Fingerprint: 3DF2 CBE0 DFAA 4164 02C2 4E2A E005 8DF7 5780 9216 On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, Rainer Link wrote:
Edit /etc/amavisd.conf and change $QUARANTINEDIR to /var/spool/vscan/virusmails (default is /var/virusmails, which is wrong)
Create /var/run/amavis, owned by vscan:root and set permissions to 0700.
Fixed RPMs will probably available as soon time permits, but my diploma thesis has a _much_ higher prio.