** "from the bottom of my heart, off the coast of Carolina, after one or two false starts ** Someone, apparently, hacked my email account at Bellsouth last week sometime... We of course have no idea how, since they (Bellsouth's alleged "Techs" ) spent all the timefrom the start, telling me it was a) my email client that was doing the damage ( eating my email ) Of course using their website and looking but not downloading email, they could see it disappearing right off the server! But I wasn't doing it.. I even shut off my computer for a night, and my email clients are all set to only download email when the fetch button it clicked, That way it has no chance of interfering w/ info from Celaria or similar... No lockups or anything else.. Tonight we finally reached a person who had a clue. And he told me my account had been hacked, they even watched someone accessing the email, and further attempting to access it after we changed the password. Unfortunatly they only allow and 8 character pwd.. so it wont take someone very long to get into it again.. esp if they are using a linux computer.. but the whole episode has the smell of a windows kiddie playing w/ toys the power of which he has not the slightest clue. I figure he wont bother trying to hack my email again as he never did manage to get anything interesting.. most of my emails are to and from Suse lists <G> But since I couldn't get any email at all I was unable to unsub.. I seem to recall discussion about a program or paper or something about nonsense passwords that could be remembered ... google has let me down today. I couldn't find the article I'm looking for. If anyone remembers reading such a thing please let me know , send an url if there is one... If anyone has a suggestion for making an 8 character password that is reasonably safe or hard to guess w/o being too hard for me to remember , I welcome such suggestions. Now that we finally have confirmation that Bellsouth was the culprit, I shall finish my transformation to all 9.2 boxes... hehehe Since they kept insisting it was not them but my computers that were causing the problems we stopped the installs.. to be certain . why is it that Windows admins refuse to accept they are the problem, or at least the problem is at their end??It shouldn't have taken over a week to ferret out the culprit. Anyone who looked at the accounts inbox could see email arriving and being deleted. Removed from the server while on the phone w/ me .. And they could watch email that was there just disappearing from the servers... but still they insisted I was doing it. ( so why was I talking to them on the phone ??? The logic escapes me) I can't wait to have 9.2 on this box it's really smooth even for something old and underpowered, once you get past the ncurses install... and as speedy as an old celery can be.. And this is a pretty quick athlon w scsi drives etc. so it should be loverly.. TIA to any and all who attempt to help , I wish you happiness.. and offer extra good karma points to anyone who has an idea. -- j -- nemo me impune lacessit