Why not just stop using M$ Outbreak and Exchange? Outbreak is the only client that is propagating these virii ... On Tue, 2004-03-02 at 11:50, Bob Vickers wrote:
Sadly I don't think that would achieve anything. Typically infected computers only send out their payload once, so the security team would be wasting their valuable time shutting a stable door when the horse was well and truly bolted. And then they would have to spend more time dealing with the inevitable request to reopen it (even if they refuse the request it still takes time).
On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, Arjen Runsink wrote:
Can't you block the IP's that send the virii?
BB, Arjen
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============================================================== Bob Vickers R.Vickers@cs.rhul.ac.uk Dept of Computer Science, Royal Holloway, University of London WWW: http://www.cs.rhul.ac.uk/home/bobv Phone: +44 1784 443691 -- -- Raymond Leach <raymondl@knowledgefactory.co.za> Network Support Specialist http://www.knowledgefactory.co.za "lynx -source http://www.rchq.co.za/raymondl.asc | gpg --import" Key fingerprint = 7209 A695 9EE0 E971 A9AD 00EE 8757 EE47 F06F FB28 --