On Wednesday 02 March 2005 07:05, Angry wrote:
I do not understand German, but I do have ksteak on my system. If I want the support that my US dollars makes me entitled to, I must use this list. I have no problem with the fact that it is hosted in a country other than my own. I have absolutely no problem with the person who ocassionally forgets and uses his native language on this list. However! Using this list to expouse political crap condeming the leader of a country, any country, is offensive, arrogant, out of order, uncalled for, and should be cause for being banned from this list! I fully expect that you, and all others, will refrain from posting the likes of this, now, and in the future. I also expect an apology. To me, and to all the others on this list!
You are right, his signature may be a bit silly (from a given perspective) to use on a security related mailing list. However, the contents of the message, not the signature, were very relevant to this list. I also believe it is up to the sender to decide how and when to express his political opinions and I would definitely stand up for his right to do so through a signature on a public mailing list, regardless of what his opinion of anything might be. In some parts of Europe, such freedom of speech is limited because of some of the not very pleasant stuff that has happened to Europe in the last century. But Mr. Meissner has not been calling for anything but a boycott, which is perfectly OK and although I don't think it might actually make the world a better place, I'm quite fed up (for example) with the US and Japan based corporations trying to impose a harmful patent legislation in the EU by bribing the officials and would, if I was the vocal sort, also describe this opinion in my signatures. Fortunately for all of the politically sensitive types out there, I don't to this. Since the proposed patent legislation can have a very serious impact on IT security, I think this is very on topic. I apologise to everyone who disagrees.
Keine Macht George W.Bush und seiner Junta zur Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung, Wahlbetrug, Christianisierung, Terror, Weltmacht & 'BigBrother-watching'. Für Freiheit und Demokratie, kauft keine U$-Waren!
Really, take it easy, it's just a signature. Besides, almost all US exports are made in China, anyway, so nothing would change. And forced democracy (the most important US export, afaik) is much like forced sex (sorry, couldn't resist, oversimplifying is just so much fun). Oh yes, one more thing: you are free not to read the e-mail signatures. -- Jure Koren, n.i.