19 Feb
19 Feb
* Ingo Doerrie <ingo@doerrie-net.de> [2003-02-18 16:51 +0100]:
I have the need to mount a NFS-volume through a firewall. [.. opening ports ..] Is there any alternative to this ?
What about tunnelling NFS-over-IP-over-PPP-over-SSH-through-the-firewall, as shown in http://www.jfranken.de/homepages/johannes/vortraege/ssh2.en.html#ToC12 As a nice side-effect, your nfs traffic would be compressed and enciphered, and ssh itself can easily tunnel through other protocols like https (see http://www.jfranken.de/homepages/johannes/vortraege/ssh3.en.html#ToC6 ). -- Johannes Franken Professional unix/network development mailto:jfranken@jfranken.de http://www.jfranken.de/