Maybe for You and Me a broken YOU is fine or using fou4s is fine. I am thinking about the larger public here. And I do think that a flaw in YOU is a show stopper as it is one of SuSE's main selling and advertising points of this distro. ______________________________________________________________ Duane Kehoe phone: 414.908.1814 Programmer / Analyst fax: 414.908.1601 Weyco Group, Inc. email: dkehoe@weycogroup.com -----Original Message----- From: Fred A. Miller [mailto:fm@cupserv.org] Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 3:16 PM To: Duane Kehoe Subject: Re: [suse-security] Slightly OT but: SuSE 8.0 Yast Online Update and GPG -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Monday 06 May 2002 4:15 pm, Duane Kehoe wrote:
Yah I could, but I really want to use the default distro tools first before I change over to a third party tool. Especially in areas where I could negate my support solutions. Really I guess I have been following fou4s but have no interest in using someone else's tool when I just paid 80.00 to get the supplied and supported tools that should work. Plus SuSE appears to have made significant improvements in speed which was the only negative side of YOU for me. I really and truly believe this is SuSE's responsibility to it's users, especially when they make claims like everything is perfect after a 2 month beta testing period.
I think the bug is in KDE, but not sure. For now, just answer "install" for all the files, then after the list is downloaded, do the upgrade.....it'll only upgrade what's needed.
Also this is not a kde bug as it occurs from command line, kontrol panel modules, and stand alone GUI Yast2.
[snip] 'Hadn't checked it from command line. Yes, it's annoying, but NOT a show stopper. Fred - -- Fred A. Miller Systems Administrator Cornell Univ. Press Services fm@cupserv.org, www.cupserv.org - --- SuSE Linux v8.0 Pro--- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iEYEARECAAYFAjzW5I4ACgkQB9vk4ichYXe5RQCgh72kSoBYcOP/JLns5Br5kR+C HvwAoLJuvfahupFl1oWBo1kpnodEy3ta =80fl -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----