On Tuesday 17 February 2004 04:56 pm, Bill.Light@kp.org wrote:
I am running a mail/web server and Netcraft says that it is Apache/1.3.28 and (Linux/SuSE).
While on one hand that is nice....Would it not be better to obscure which distro I am running and the version of Apache ??
How would one accomplish this ?
- Bill
Don't worry :) Anyone reading this list knows you use SuSE Linux, Apache, and that your name is bill. This is more than enough for me to social engineer my way into root access at your server :) Not that I would, but remember to watch what you let out on a list. -- __________________________________________________ We Are 138 http://www.suse.com http://www.slackware.org http://www.bsd.org http://www.daemonnews.org/ http://www.cannibalholocaust.net http://www.misfits.com http://www.onethirtyeight.com