5 Feb
5 Feb
On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 13:45, Stefan.Junge@ssi-schaefer.de wrote:
I´m running a squid proxy on a suse 8.1 box. I have got some problems if I try to download files from websites like http://website.de:8080 I got a connection error.
Are you running Personal Firewall or SuseFirewall2? Have you made sure that port 8080 is allowed outgoing from the firewall machine?
I have pasted port 8080 as safe in squid.conf and no other filter rules should block the site.
Any hints ?
Stefan -- -- Raymond Leach <raymondl@knowledgefactory.co.za> Network Support Specialist http://www.knowledgefactory.co.za "lynx -source http://www.rchq.co.za/raymondl.asc | gpg --import" Key fingerprint = 7209 A695 9EE0 E971 A9AD 00EE 8757 EE47 F06F FB28 --