Hello Members, just my 2 Eurocents, but .. I do not understand why Suse doesn't actively (sup)port autorpm (http://www.kaybee.org/~kirk/html/linux.html). The limitations which seem to be in YOU (no proxy support, the need for http, support for mirrorsites) are not in autorpm. But autorpm is/was developed for using with and on Redhat. I'm running an older, patched release of autorpm (which has no probs with the directory structures of Suse's ftp servers), it works with proxies, it works with mirrors, it even seems to support signatures, it also supports getting RPM Updates from Non-Suse RPM's, and it has no performance probs, even over slow modem uplinks. It's a nice little app, even with a text based UI, it doesn't depend on Yast, it works manually, it works with cron. Maybe Suse should incorporate it in it's own Dist.