22 Apr
22 Apr
On Apr 22, Pedro Cáliz <calizp@mi.madritel.es> wrote:
I've seen there exist releases 164 and 165 for glibc_2.2.5 in ftp.suse.com, but my YOU reports release 161 as the newest one, and I don't understand why. Because one is i586 and one is i686. Unfortunately the update description file format is not very good to handle different architectures. I've sent a mail to feedback@suse.com with a suggestion for improvement but haven't received an answer yet :( If anybody could give me a direct contact ...
Markus -- __________________ /"\ Markus Gaugusch \ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign markus@gaugusch.at X Against HTML Mail / \ http://fou4s.gaugusch.at/ - Fast OnlineUpdate for SUSE