However, with the many security problems that wu-ftpd has had in the past, many of us have simply switched to ProFTPD (which is included in the 6.1 disk set). I thought that ProFTPD was the default ftpd install on 6.2 (except that wu-ftpd is for some reason still set up in inetd.conf)? Cheers, Gregory Conron And for the record, I also get compile error complaints when compiling that latest ProFTPD rpm (SuSE 6.1, kernel 2.2.7).. "J.D.K. Chipps" wrote:
Jochen Lillich wrote:
The problem is that I get a lot of errors when I try to compile the package under SuSE 6.2. :-(
Regards, Jochen
The solution is to quit trying to "fix" something that isn't broke.
SuSE 6.2 uses wuftp not proFTP, the bug doesn't apply.
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