On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 10:53:38AM +0200, miguel gmail wrote:
On 4/4/06, Jure Koren <jure@aufbix.org> wrote:
Crispin Cowan wrote:
Oh! That would be more than wellcome for newcommers to mail servers administrators... :-) IMHO, newcommers to mail server administration should not be messing with compiling the mail server, they have enough variables to worry about :) So these newcomers should just use Postfix. Advanced mail server administrators, on the other hand, are free to go download the source for Qmail and deploy it themselves. The Qmail license effectively prevents SUSE from adding significant value, so there is no point in bundling it.
I absolutely agree with this position, but also have much less respect for DJBs position on his source code. Postfix is an example of great free software and performs very well in a full range of usage scenarios. Consequentially, it is also very secure and also no. 1 choice for a large majority of e-mail servers, for soho solutions and large clusters alike. Being actively developed, it also implements features Qmail is very likely never going to have, as DJB is only one man. I don't see how suse (the distribution) would benefit from bundling this software. I may like it, but I can't use it because of all the issues set forth in this thread.
I do agree with (all of) you. Nothing easier than using the bundled Postfix. It is quite easy to use, and there is as much information as I may ever need. And I did use it some time ago.
But I am also looking to improve my knowledge, the possibilities I offer to my customers, say with qmail, exim or whatever. And including some detailed and specific instructions for installing qmail on SuSE... would be a definitive advantage for qmail and lazy administrators like me.
http://opensuse.org/Qmail is all yours to edit. :) Ciao, Marcus