19 Dec
19 Dec
That depends on what you're comfortable with as an administrator. For my quick test I chose a max of 100 open fds, 5 cpu seconds, and 100 user processes (/bin/zsh). I was able to successfully `killall test` as well. You will need to estimate what your users might need and adjust them accordingly. --- Dan Chen crimsun@email.unc.edu GPG key: www.unc.edu/~crimsun/pubkey.gpg.asc On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 martin@as3-1-1.hn.g.bonet.se wrote:
I am using the "default" values: open files 1024 pipe size (512 bytes) 8 max user processes 4095 memory, stack and cpu time are unlimited
It's obvious that these values don't work. What are "appropriate ulimits" here?
Best reegards MF