cogNiTioN wrote:
Fuck you. I was trying to debate a security issue on a security list, I
Thanks. Conversation just didn't seem to go anywhere. Sorry for the flame, my mail was little too edgy. Just seen too many script kiddies trying to pull out information at newsgroups and mailing lists.
I'm talking about computer security, oh no! I'm using a handle, oh no! You're first opinion of me was probably correct, oh knowledgable one.
I think it's polite to use real name, especially when talking about security issues. Would you buy a lock or firewall from anonymous person? Or post announcement about security hole to k3wL-hAx0r5@hotmail.com who is asking just that?
Script kiddies rule, Hack the planet. |<0n5id3R y0u'r3 s31f 0wn3d. Muhahahah, Muhahahaha.
8-)=( = Grr - Jussi Laako P.S. I'll try to be silent for a while, or at least put my head to bucket of icy seawater before writing... -- PGP key fingerprint: 161D 6FED 6A92 39E2 EB5B 39DD A4DE 63EB C216 1E4B Available at: ldap://certserver.pgp.com, http://keys.pgp.com:11371