Thanks for the tip on the Apache. RIght now I'm not running a server but it's good to know. Though to be honest I'm a little leary about using one distros files/progs on another - had big probs with Mandrake doing that. But, it could just be a problem with the Mandrake distro (7.1) because I read a few threads from Mand users about having a similar experience. Cheers. Curtis On Monday 28 May 2001 12:25 am, Kurt Seifried wrote:
you know finding this stuff online isn't to hard... I wrote documentationa bout this like 2+ years ago. Anyways. Go to:
P.S. for suse guys: go steal /usr/share/ssl/certs/Makefile from a redhat system and plunk it into your apache distro =)
Kurt Seifried, PGP Key ID: 0xAD56E574 Fingerprint: A15B BEE5 B391 B9AD B0EF AEB0 AD63 0B4E AD56 E574
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