** Forwarding message from jfweber@eternal.net on Tue, 24 Jul 2001 22:21:47 -0400 From: jfweber@eternal.net ** from the outer limits of space and time electrons arranged themselves into a message from <dog@intop.net> on Tue, 24 Jul 2001 06:05:30 -0500 (CDT) Earth Standard Time
See : http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/codered.worm.html
well , boys and girls , if you have a box that has both w2k and suse (7.2) and the windos partition attracts todays variant Sirchan (or simular name) that one does casue a mojor problem by essentially farquing up the windows partition(s) and hiding it'self in such a way that ANY reboot of the machine will be a disater, not any variation of windows , nor even Linux , nor a whole host of tools can salvage your system ( I've just spent a long hard 9 hours to reclaim teh drive so it could be reformated and start over !1! I'm not very happy about the fact of Nortonn claiming it had "killed" the creapy crawlie before it let the email thru that was carrying it! , only , clearlly , it didn't!!!! more and more evidence to me , that our wondrous group of program writers etc. Forany even semi commercial quality Office apps , should find ways to create import and export filters so linux users can do thier work adn keep trouble free, while avoinding the necessity to work in a bug attrackter like anything w32! anyone who is even doing minor ( small system admin, make certain your people BACKUP to other media ( other thna thier hard drives) all data that would be irreplaceable ( cd's are nice , and rewrite ones are even better , adn portable too, for the occassional new box same job users among us <G> Blondely j j afterthought--- Inside every suit there is a guy in a T-shirt wanting to get out. j afterthought--- It said "Insert disk #3", but only two will fit!!