Miguel ALBUQUERQUE schrieb:
How can one force closing an open ssh session ? I want to disconnect a user right after executing a script no waiting for a timeout. Is that possible ?
I've 3 ideas 1st) What about to replace the login shell in /etc/passwd with the script the user can invoke. If script is done user gets logged out :O)_ youruser:x:1000:1000::/var/tmp/:/bin/yourscript 2nd) One can invoke a script via ssh a.ip.addr.ess "command" so if you can disable interactive sessions in sshd it will fulfill your requirements (Dunno how to accomplish that ad hoc) 3rd) man bash PPID The process ID of the shell's parent. This variable is readonly. If one invokes a script this variable should contain the PID of the underlying bash. Just kill -9 $PPID in the of the script. Hope that helps the polarizer http://www.codixx.de/polarizer.html