Hi*, oh, don`t ask redmond. This wasn`t built by Bill. And yes, it makes sense. This is a _dynamic_ NS-Protocol with a single point of failure: The Master-Browser. Guess the Master-Browser is down due to Switchport failure. There will be no more NS-reolution. Or guess a Network is split into two Segments due to leased Line failure. So _anybody_ in the Network realising, that NS is down must be able to start a new election. Other NS-Protocols (DNS) use backup Servers due to this. (and this can be quite critical too ;-)) Dirk Kris Hoelzer schrieb:
Hey Joerg,
[...] Though I still wonder why any clients seems to be able to initiate an election. Does this make sense
technical answer: IMO Win-specific "workaround" (started about 16 years ago with netbeui) to realise also server/master browser -LESS topologies ("Workgroups"/"Arbeitgruppe") [there every box acts as a local caching server for himself]
"political" answer: Ask Redmond, why -- better: use more unix-flavour Boxes ;o)
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