Mir hat dieses Update meine komplette Firefox-Installation zerschossen. Erst nachdem ich radikal alle Extensions aus meinem Verzeichnis gelöscht hatte, ließ sich Firefox wieder verwenden. Damit fehlt natürlich die deutsche Sprachoberfläche und andere nützliche über extensions erreichte Verbesserungen in der Benutzeroberfläche. Mindestens der Hinweis, dass Extensions durch fehlende Versionskompatibilität Probleme machen könnten und deshalb das Update mit Vorsicht zu handhaben sei (am besten die vorhandenen Extensions vor dem Update deinstallieren und anschließend in aktualisierter Form wieder installieren) wäre hilfreich gewesen! Am Mittwoch, den 27.04.2005, 16:50 +0200 schrieb Marcus Meissner:
SUSE Security Announcement
Package: Mozilla. Mozilla Firefox Announcement-ID: SUSE-SA:2005:028 Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 15:00:00 +0000 Affected products: 8.2, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 SUSE Linux Desktop 1.0 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8, 9 Novell Linux Desktop 9 Vulnerability Type: remote code execution Severity (1-10): 7 SUSE default package: yes Cross References: CAN-2005-0989 MFSA 2005-33 CAN-2005-0752 MFSA 2005-34 CAN-2005-1153 MFSA 2005-35 CAN-2005-1154 MFSA 2005-36 CAN-2005-1155 MFSA 2005-37 CAN-2005-1156 CAN-2005-1157 MFSA 2005-38 CAN-2005-1158 MFSA 2005-39 CAN-2005-1159 MFSA 2005-40 CAN-2005-1160 MFSA 2005-41
Content of this advisory: 1) security vulnerability resolved: various security problems in Mozilla based browsers problem description 2) solution/workaround 3) special instructions and notes 4) package location and checksums 5) pending vulnerabilities, solutions, workarounds: See SUSE Security Summary Report. 6) standard appendix (further information)
1) problem description, brief discussion
Several problems have been fixed with the security update releases of the Mozilla Firefox 1.0.3 web browser and the Mozilla Suite 1.7.7.
This security update contains those security fixes. The Firefox packages have been directly upgraded to the version 1.0.3, for the Mozilla Suite packages the fixes up to version 1.7.7 have been back ported.
Updates are currently provided for:
Mozilla Firefox: SUSE Linux 9.0 up to 9.3, Novell Linux Desktop 9 Mozilla Suite: SUSE Linux 9.2 and 9.3
Fixes of the Mozilla Suite for older products (SUSE Linux 8.2 - 9.1, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 and 9, SUSE Linux Desktop 1.0) are being worked on.
Following security issues have been fixed: - MFSA 2005-33,CAN-2005-0989: A flaw in the Javascript regular expression handling of Mozilla based browser can lead to disclosure of browser memory, potentially exposing private data from web pages viewed or passwords or similar data sent to other web pages. This flaw could also crash the browser.
- MFSA 2005-34,CAN-2005-0752: With manual Plugin install it was possible for the Plugin to execute javascript code with the installing users privileges.
- MFSA 2005-35,CAN-2005-1153: Showing blocked javascript: pop up uses wrong privilege context, this could be used for a privilege escalation (installing malicious plugins).
- MFSA 2005-36,CAN-2005-1154: Cross-site scripting through global scope pollution, this could lead to an attacker being able to run code in foreign websites context, potentially sniffing information or performing actions in that context.
- MFSA 2005-37,CAN-2005-1155,"firelinking": Code execution through javascript: favicons, which could be used for a privilege escalation.
- MFSA 2005-38,CAN-2005-1157,CAN-2005-1156,"firesearching": Search Plugin cross-site scripting.
- MFSA 2005-39,CAN-2005-1158: Arbitrary code execution from Firefox sidebar panel II.
- MFSA 2005-40,CAN-2005-1159: Missing Install object instance checks.
- MFSA 2005-41,CAN-2005-1160: Privilege escalation via DOM property overrides.
2) solution/workaround
None, please install the updated packages.
3) special instructions and notes
here could have been inserted hints concerning update of extensions and possible version conflicts!
4) package location and checksums
-- Ingenieurbüro Dr. Pietrzak Dr.-Ing. Reiner Pietrzak Anecampstraße 21 30539 Hannover tel. +49-511-9526063 fax +49-511-9526064 email reiner.pietrzak@piecom.de