26 Feb
26 Feb
Op woensdag 25 februari 2004 09:51, schreef Lars Ellenberg:
must read FW_SERVICES_EXT_TCP="ssh"
this is bash syntax and sourced by a bash script, so quoting only matters if you have white space (or special characters) to quote.
you have _QUICKMODE=no ?
note also that _EXT_TCP does not help, if you are comming from INT so check _DMZ_TCP and _INT_TCP, too!
Lars Ellenberg
Hello, Thanks Lars for your golden tip: indeed I had to edit FW so that: FW_SERVICES_EXT_TCP="ssh" FW_SERVICES_INT_TCP="ssh" FW_SERVICES_DMZ_TCP="ssh" Indeed I come in by LAN so INT has to allow ssh. Considering the above settings and ONLY want to ssh over LAN, I think I could leave blank EXT and DMZ ?? Anyway things work out fine now... Richard