2 Mar
2 Mar
On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 11:17:10AM +0100, Philippe Vogel wrote:
|> the password. Befehl: PASS ***** Antwort: 500 OOPS: capset |> Antwort: 230 Login successful. Fehler: Connection cannot be |> established! | Do you have installed any kind of LSM based kernel security module | , like dazuko or similar?
Dazuko is installed (with amavis+spamassassin+cyrus+smtp-auth over cyrus+postfix(chroot)+without SuSEconfig - complex spam/virus-scanner setup but works), what does this mean for me?
There is a bug in the dazuko kernel module on 9.1 which will exhibit your observed behaviour. Ciao, Marcus