On Mon, 3 Apr 2006, Carlos E. R. <robin1.listas@tiscali.es> wrote:-
The Monday 2006-04-03 at 12:23 +0100, David Bolt wrote:
So the bounce message was generated by a different MTA than the SuSE mailinglist server was talking to, which means that this is a case of accept-then-bounce-later, which is bad for the reasons you already mentioned. Unfortunately, this is done by the OP's ISP, so short of complaining about this, there is probably little he can do about it.
Well, the only way to reject an email because it is considered spam is after complete reception; the scanning is surely done later.
In some configurations, yes. Others scan it as it's received and, if it's identified as spam, return a 550 error code. Here's the sequence that could be taken: Sender: Receiver: Connects to receiver Replies with a 220 and banner Sends EHLO/HELO Replies with 250 and options available Sends MAIL FROM: Replies with 250 if the address is okay Sends RCPT TO: Replies with 250 if the address exists Sends DATA Replies with a 354 and waits for a '.' Sends . Replies with a 550 error Sender closes the connection. Upto the final . the server can reject the email and the sending machine has the full responsibility for whatever happens.
Mmmm... I don't like blocking lists.
Whereas I do. It's much easier on me to reject because an IP has previously delivered spam than it is to filter it out after my server has it. Apart from anything else, I prefer to waste a couple of hundred bytes before telling the sender to get lost, rather than have someone dump a 5-10KB, or even bigger, mail that I then have to delete.
I wonder if it would be possible to block the bounces, and not the rest, ie, the users' mail.
It's possible, but not with a block list. The only way you'll do that is to reject/discard all DSNs. Regards, David Bolt -- Member of Team Acorn checking nodes at 50 Mnodes/s: http://www.distributed.net/ AMD1800 1Gb WinXP/SUSE 9.3 | AMD2400 256Mb SuSE 9.0 | A3010 4Mb RISCOS 3.11 AMD2400(32) 768Mb SUSE 10.0 | Falcon 14Mb TOS 4.02 | A4000 4Mb RISCOS 3.11 AMD2600(64) 512Mb SUSE 10.0 | | RPC600 129Mb RISCOS 3.6