Hi, A few people have complained about the general nature of this question - I agree. However, if you would like to have a look at my example set-up pages for SuSE V7.1 at http://www.itosn.com/security particularly 'Setting up a secure server - Step by step guide' it may help. It may provide some guidance. Regards Andrew Bennett ITOSN
>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
On 11/21/02, 7:42:36 PM, Frédéric Poulet <pofrederic@yahoo.fr> wrote regarding [suse-security] Susefirewall Squid:
I read that use Squid with Susefirewall allow to have more security, is it true ? I would want try Squid how i can config Squid and Susefirewall, i don't find example ?
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