16 Jul
16 Jul
Hi! I just installed SuSE 7.2 with the latest SuSEfirewall2 (1.3). Here's the problem: Everytime after a 'SuSEfirewall2 start' (e.g. boot) I have to restart Squid, because Squid does not respons, but is still alive. I tried squid and squid-beta shipped with SuSE. Any ideas? Do you need more informations? Alex. -- Alexander Liesch http://www.alexliesch.de/alex/ Lichtwiesenweg 9 Phone: +49 (0)6151 154715 64287 Darmstadt Fax/UMS: +49 (0)1212 5 10309699 Germany GnuPG/PGP-Key: 0xBC985C75