Hi. I'm not sure, but i think this would not be possible if you use Masquerading on your Linux-Gateway. an easy - perhaps oversized - idea is the following: do a portforwarding with ssh ... i've tried it like this: |root@Q />ssh -l q -L 33: n405-4 |q@n405-4.fem.tu-ilmenau.de's password: |Last login: Tue Jan 30 14:05:05 2001 from n405-4.fem.tu-ilmenau.de |Have a lot of fun... now i forwardet the port 80 of to port 33 on the 'gateway' |root@Q ~>telnet localhost 33 |Trying |Connected to localhost. |Escape character is '^]'. |get |<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> |<HTML><HEAD> | ... perhaps this method will work as good in your case, as it does in mine ;) Q, apologizing for his terrible English -- ********************************************************************** * Daniel Zinn * * AIM: QN405 mailto:q@n-club.de * * ICQ2k: 79511325 talk: root@n405.fem.tu-ilmenau.de * **********************************************************************