On Friday 09 May 2003 04:57, Paul Kozlenko wrote:
The kernel patch level on this machine is 74 not 274. Am I that far behind? Anyhow. No reference to "ptrace" when I do an rpm -q --chnagelog k_deflt.
Well, then it's not a ptrace problem.
A netstat -ean shows one piece of info - the inode is "31464". Does this equal the inode for a file. If so 31464 is the inode for a directory. In my case "/usr/libexec/webmin/mscstyle3/acl/images".
I think that's not the inode from your disk filesystem but probably from the procfs, but I'm only guessing here.
I haven't rebooted the machine yet. I don't want to unless this is a threat.
Can't you, like I suggested earlier, just shutdown one process at the time and see if and when that port disappears, I would start with nfs and rpc or if you're running X shut that down first. That way you don't have to reboot (what's wrong with that anyway), you can just start the processes again later. -- GertJan Email address is invalid, so don't reply directly, I'm on the list.