I had problems with TrendMicro's InterScan VirusWall, configured in a sandwich way. Some files exe, zip, downloaded via http, was corrupted. Breno. On Friday 25 October 2002 04:36, Daniel Wirth wrote:
On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, Thomas Lamy wrote:
First of all, theses are toally different products. Amavis is "only" a middleware sitting between your mail server and your virus scanning software (amavis is _not_ a virus scanner!). Amavis is free.
TrendMicro's InterScan VirusWall (or short ISVW) (http://www.trendmicro.com/) is an email virus scanner, and also scans HTTP and FTP traffic, too. ISVW licenses are per-user licenses. IIRC 100 Users == 5000 EUR/USD.
ISVW (at least their SMTP-forwarding) is a pain IMHO, as you lose at least the IP of the mail server you receive mail from (it's always localhost). Beside this, it works well for a customer of mine which is a gay portal and gets about 100-150 viral/wormed mails every day.
ISVW can be configured an used in severall ways. 1.) as the primary listener for mail which then forwards mail to your sendmail/postfix/whatever... 2.) as a plugin to sendmail 3.) in a "sandwich" way: recieve mails with your favourite MTA, forward it to ISVW, use second instance of your favouriter MTA to deliver mail....
regards, daniel