8 Dec
8 Dec
Hi, SuSEfirewall2 v2.1 will be available within the next hour from http://www.suse.de/~marc/suse CHANGES: v2.1 08.12.01 GAMMA * Added '!' support to FW_REDIRECT (thanks to rkooijman@inergy.nl) * FW_ALLOW_*_HIGH_PORT change: related connections are now always allowed. Therefore changed the default of the options. * Added patch from <ervee@moskovic.org> for better log output. thanks! Greets, Marc -- E@mail: marc@suse.de Function: Security Research and Advisory PGP: "lynx -source http://www.suse.de/~marc/marc.pgp | pgp -fka" Key fingerprint = B5 07 B6 4E 9C EF 27 EE 16 D9 70 D4 87 B5 63 6C Private: http://www.suse.de/~marc SuSE: http://www.suse.de/security