On Sat, 27 Apr 2002, Peter van den Heuvel wrote: ph> > I found the user: "nobody" running "find" on my machine. My first thought ph> > was that someone had hacked in. My second thought was that maybe suse runs ph> > some commands on it's own as "nobody." Does anyone know if the latter is ph> > true? ph> Why does this question pop up every other week? Why do people not verify ph> their own crontabs? Why do they not look in archives? ph> Human nature. How many times have you (or someone you know) brought something home and started playing and messing with it before you even picked up the manual? Unfortunately, the more this happens, the more apt we are to start replying with RTFM and thus be labled as an asshole because all they wanted was a little assistance and... you know what I mean. I see it at least once a month on every list I'm on. ph> updatedb ph> ph> -- S.Toms - smotrs at mindspring.com - www.mindspring.com/~smotrs SuSE Linux v7.3+ - Kernel 2.4.10-4GB