Hallo! On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Timo Schulz wrote:
Hello list, as a new feature, GMX enables a SSL POP3 port ( on 995 ) for secure downloading your emails. I look at the fetchmail FAQ and try to use the described method: [description ...]
Does anybody has succeed in SSL POP3 with GMX or any other mail service?
I'm not using the fetchmail-rpm from SuSE, but I rebuilt fetchmail with ./configure --with-ssl and added "ssl" to the options of my gmx entry in my .fetchmailrc. (Now the line looks like this: poll pop.gmx.de with proto POP3 user "foo" there with password "password" is bar here options fetchall warnings 3600 ssl ... etc etc ^^^ Seems to work fine. HTH, Carsten -- Carsten Frewert email: carsten.frewert@gmx.de fax: +49 69 791252947 PGP 2.6.3 A0 7B D1 F1 49 5F BF 2C cellphone: +49 177 6284763 Fingerprint A7 F2 AC B6 D9 99 82 0C AX.25: DG5YFJ@DB0BQ.#NRW.DEU.EU