Dear List members, Does anyone know, if it is a security risk when i connect a DSL modem by the TELEKOM with a switch and the computer with the pppoed demon is connected via a switch to the modem and not directly? At the moment the situation is, that the T-DSL-Modem is connected to a linux router pc with pppoed, squid, and iptables. With the second network device the pc is connected to the local network. Due different reasons it would be nice, if the modem is directly connected to a switch and the linux router is somewhere else. I'm not sure, if somebody can hack or modify different packets, so that they don't reach the pc with the pppoed demon but another local workstation. The T-DSL modem is not a real router (Modem by SIEMENS) and it can only be connected by one single pc, but is real safe ? Has anybody a hint ? Thanx a lot in advance. Michael