13 Nov
13 Nov
Hallo Lars, thank you for your mail... Am Donnerstag, 6. November 2003 14:32 schrieb Lars Ellenberg:
ich@rose:~> rm %!#%! .!#.! /!#/! &!#&! /!#/! C!#C! H!#H! EE& G!#G! F$#F$ [@#[@ C!#C! HH& E!#E! F##F# q<#q< ZC#ZC C!#G% F!#F! I(#I( x?#x? R!#R! :!#:! /!#/! 8!#8! /!#/! &!#&! )*#)* x:#x: %!#%! (-#(- w:#w: %!#*# ]>#]> y8#y8 ?$2@
very nice :-)
Please ... What do you mean by 'nice' ?
maybe some "utf" file name, or a byproduct of some accidentally
Do you mean unicode ??
paste of binary data containing > onto some shell promt...
Thank you ... -- # MfG Michael Maldener + Das beste Linux ist die Pluralitaet aller Linuxica ;)