Hi. thomas@wintermute:~ > rpm -q openssh openssh-1.2.2-22 UseLogin ist per default set to 'no', so we aren't vulnerable to the newest exploit per default. A fixed packet will be out soon. On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Phillip Beal wrote:
On Tue, Jun 13, 2000 at 06:40:04PM +0200, Thomas Biege wrote:
On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Phillip Beal wrote:
I have a question about the SuSE 6.4 ssh rpm. I know from isupport@suse.com that it is version 1.2.27. Which if built against rsaref libs can have a major security flaw.
So my question is, was the SuSE 6.4 SSH 1.2.27 rpm built against rsaref?
Per default it wasn't built with RSAREF.
Ok, Now I have yet another question. What version is the openssh rpm for SuSE 6.4?
-- Phillip Beal Evil Genius In Training Electrical and Computer Engineering "God, Root, what is difference?" S+LUG Vice-President -Userfriendly.org GPG Key fingerprint = 3335 BF29 5180 42DF D7BB 484C 78E0 B0F3 6FB9 81D0
Bye, Thomas -- Thomas Biege, SuSE GmbH, Schanzaeckerstr. 10, 90443 Nuernberg E@mail: thomas@suse.de Function: Security Support & Auditing "lynx -source http://www.suse.de/~thomas/thomas.pgp | pgp -fka" Key fingerprint = 09 48 F2 FD 81 F7 E7 98 6D C7 36 F1 96 6A 12 47