-----Original Message----- From: Philippe Vogel [mailto:filiaap@freenet.de] Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 2:07 PM
Is there a possibility to unsuscribe this account? I always get this back after posting to the list - equal wich content (and this nerves me!).
Here a sample of the content: *snip*
Send mail to "owner-mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu" to contact a
(We have a limited amount of time to answer questions, so
real person please read
the help file before sending questions.)
Have you ever tried to contact the owner? Either the above mentioned e-mail or postmaster@ should get you in contact with someone that knows what to do. I would think the people at MIT are capable to resolve your "problem" (if its really the MIT mailserver sending those mails). marc