hello, does somebody knows what's going on? my problem: on the average twice per week a process remains suddenly hang on my laptop (SuSE 7.1 / 2.4.0). As soon as I do a ps or something similar this process hangs too. I straced the ps command and got following output:
Kernel 2.4.0 should still be considered "beta", did you try with 2.2.18, too?
the bad thing is, I can't even reboot my machine because this tries to terminate the processes and hangs too nor can I unmount my partitions because they are busy. if you enable "Magic SysRq Key" in kernel and rc.config, you can press alt+prtscr+s to sync your disks, alt+prtscr+u to remount them readonly and alt+prtscr+b to reboot the machine.
bye! Markus -- _____________________________ /"\ Markus Gaugusch ICQ 11374583 \ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign markus@gaugusch.dhs.org X Against HTML Mail / \