hi willie, maybe i've missed some mail, but it seems to me you should configure your sendmail for "SMTP after POP" operation. the idea is that a user polling some POP box has to supply a password, thus authentifies himself, so relaying for the users IP address can be permitted for a specified time period, e.g. 10 minutes. so a roaming user just has to poll his POP account first, then can relay mail from the current dialup IP address. have a look at http://www.iecc.com/pop-before-smtp.html for details. the current eudora qpopper (which is standard for suse) already includes the logging output needed, so the patch is not needed. the popauth HACK for sendmail is still needed. the popauther.pl sub add_new has to be extended for qpopper like this: if(!$good && /^([A-Za-z]+\s+\d+\s\d+\:\d+\:\d+).*POP login by user "([a-z0-9]+)" at \(.*\) (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/) { # warn "add_new: qpopper...\n"; $tstamp = $1; $user = $2; $ip = $3; ++$good; } i've configured all our mail servers this way, and it works very well. mfg, michael balzer -- 2BCom IT Solutions / Hasslinghauser Str. 156 / D-58285 Gevelsberg Fon +49 2332 7588-0 / Fax -11 / http://www.bbcomp.de ----- Original Message ----- From: "Wilhelm Tesnaar" <TesnaarW@filpro.co.za> To: <suse-security@suse.com> Cc: <williet@sai.co.za> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 1:03 PM Subject: RE: [suse-security] Sendmail
Hi all
I am having a problem with allowing a user relaying off my sendmail server/firewall. How can I configure my mail server to allow relaying of mail for a specific user without it being open to the whole world for relaying ? This user roams a lot around the world so Ip's are noit static? I am running standard Suse linux 7.1 Help I am desperate!
Regards Willie Tesnaar
Regards Willie Tesnaar
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