Hi I have been looking into passwords on my system (6.3) I have been using the same password for root and myself as a user (not good practise I know) This was ok for me....but now that I have also set up my children as users I wanted to change my root password to be sure that they could not watch me and gain root access. I discovered something which surprised me. I wanted to keep the new pass word similar ...but different. eg. My old pass phrase which I used for root and user brian was abcdefgh . I changed my root pass word to abcdefghxy. However I was still able to log in as root using abcdefgh, AND abcdefghxy How can this happen? I have now changed it to abcdejkl and now have proper access restored. (These examples are for illustration purposes only, and bear no resemblance to the actual passwords) Regards Brian ---------------------------------- E-Mail: Brian Galbraith <brian.galbraith@bigfoot.com> Date: 30-Jan-2000 Time: 15:23:22 Default Key 0x63EBA765 (DH/DSA) PGP Keys from http://math-www.uni-paderborn.de/pgp/ This message was sent by XFMail 1.4.4 ----------------------------------