When i execute fou4s, i got the error: cat: /etc/suseservers: No such file or directory ¿From who obtain the /etc/suseservers file? GarUlbricht7@netscape.net wrote:
Markus Gaugusch <markus@gaugusch.at> wrote:
Fou4s (Fast OnlineUpdate for SuSE) is an alternative implementation of YOU (YaST Online Update) and is aimed at admin users that want updates as painless and automated as possible. But it can also be useful for desktop users. I've used it to update mozilla, gnome, kde and rpms from packman.links2linux.org as well.
See: http://fou4s.gaugusch.at/
for more information.
Hi Markus,
I just downloaded the new patch using:
[boxen1 root]# fou4s --auto --checkfou4s --inversecolor --interactive
No problem. Afterwards I checked If I am missing an other security updates. I wasn't.
I then went to your site to get the latest and greatest:
And when I clicked on:
it returned:
**** Not Found ****
. The requested URL /download/fou4s-0.11.2-2.noarch.rpm .. was not found on this server. .. Apache/1.3.26 Server at fou4s.gaugusch.at Port 80
I don't know if I got the message because your server is overloaded with people getting the update, or because you took it down, and haven't put it back up
At any rate, I am good to go for today, and I will try back later.
Friendly greetings, Gar