Bjorn Tore Sund wrote on 5/4/2004 4:15:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time:
Hi people,
I'm sufficiently confused that I have to ask for assistance.
Tonight's kernel upgrade using fou4s went fine on SuSE 8.2 and SLES 8.
*** Congradulations as the old song said" "Two out of three ain't bad." ***
On SuSE 9.0 it didn't happen, fou4s simply doesn't see the upgrade.
Working directly towards ftp.suse.com or ftp.gwdg.de works. Mirroring either to my local server using wget --mirror gets me the packages and the patches/kernel-51366 file - but trying to use fou4s towards that mirror the 9.0-box simply fails to see that there's a kernel upgrade there.
The mirror has worked in the past for all other patches, including kernel patches.
Any advice?
Yeah, try another mirror or wait. The servers are overloaded. Partly because not all the mirrors have the kernel updates yet. If you don't want to wait, what I do with fou4s is run it in interactive mode. That is: "fou4s -i --interactive" I also open up: file:/var/cache/fou4s/packages/ftp.suse.com/i386/update/8.2/rpm/i586 so I can watch the "rpm" download onto my box. I have also reconfigured fou4s so as it downloads it give me a progress bar... (see /etc/fou4s.conf) but tonite, as I said, I think everybody is trying to update their kernels the servers are just overloaded. At least that's my take. Hoe this helps, Gar -- __________________________________________________________________ Introducing the New Netscape Internet Service. Only $9.95 a month -- Sign up today at http://isp.netscape.com/register Netscape. Just the Net You Need. New! Netscape Toolbar for Internet Explorer Search from anywhere on the Web and block those annoying pop-ups. Download now at http://channels.netscape.com/ns/search/install.jsp