I don't know how to solve the problem on my own: we have a linux firewall (SuSE 7.3, kernel 2.4.16, iptables 1.2.2-60, FreeS/WAN 1.94_0.9.2-41) which is running for more than a year now. Since August, 12th with have lots of messages like
Aug 25 10:52:25 batschkapp-ext kernel: NET: 468 messages suppressed. Aug 25 10:52:25 batschkapp-ext kernel: Neighbour table overflow.
in messages file. What is strange is that arp tables contains exactly 1023 entries, most of them incomplete with IP addresses of our local subnet which are not used and not reachable. Sometimes arp table is correct with about 70 entries, but only for a couple of seconds. I wonder whether this is linked to Blaster.Worm. Because first entry in messages files is from August, 12th and next entry with significant increase of suppressed messages is starting August, 22nd. On August, 13th I configured our firewall to drop packets addressed to the ports used by Blaster.Worm.
Any idea what's going wrong?
Best regards,