Hi folks, maybe someone could give me a hint... I switched from: fetchmail->sendmail->sendmail.milter->Amavis->.forward->procmail->spamc(SpamAssasin)->INBOX which did global virus checking and per user spam checking with Bayes testing to fetchmail->postfix->amavisd-new->perl-spamassassin->cyrus-imapd which does global virus and global spam checking BUT NO PER USER spam checking, so without Bayes testing! :-( So the rate of unreconised spam did increase. I fiddled around with options in the /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf, but they were ignored because amavisd-new calls spamassin via perl interface and takes some SA parameters from the /etc/amavisd.conf (beginning with $sa_). I tried calling a SUIDed cyrus deliver (without SUID deliver hasn't got the right: deliver[3876]: connect(/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp) failed: Permission denied) to user cyrus via .forward and a .procmailrc. The log said that lmtpd was called, but depending on the syntax of deliver in the .procmailrc the mail was delivered to the INBOX-file in /var/spool/mail or just vanished! One example for my .promailrc: :0 fw |/usr/bin/spamc -f |/usr/lib/cyrus/bin/deliver -e -a david -m user.david and the .forward: "|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #user" Could someone give me a hint using sieve or procmail for a per user SpamAssassin check? Thanks in advance. -- Eat, sleep and go running, David Huecking. Encrypted eMail welcome! GnuPG/ PGP-Key: 0x57809216. Fingerprint: 3DF2 CBE0 DFAA 4164 02C2 4E2A E005 8DF7 5780 9216