hi angry (what a nice name) calm down! it looks like you never heard of free speech! maybe you should stop to use "free" software and just have communication with business people, they are normally not allowed to have an own personal opinion. there are really big problems out there in the world, care about them! this footer line is certainly not one of them! regards, markus Angry wrote:
On Tuesday 01 March 2005 07:14, Marco Maske wrote:
However! Using this list to expouse political crap condeming the leader of a country, any country, is offensive, arrogant, out of order, uncalled for, and should be cause for being banned from this list!
I fully expect that you, and all others, will refrain from posting the likes of this, now, and in the future.
I also expect an apology. To me, and to all the others on this list!
Angry as Hell!
Marcus Meissner wrote:
We will be releasing 0.83 too in some days.
still ready ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/projects/clamav/clamav-0.83/
-- Ciao Marco, registered GNU/Linux-User 313353
Keine Macht George W.Bush und seiner Junta zur Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung, Wahlbetrug, Christianisierung, Terror, Weltmacht & 'BigBrother-watching'. Für Freiheit und Demokratie, kauft keine U$-Waren!