On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Alex Levit wrote:
On the subject of YOU, there are plenty of people using SuSE's YOU on this list and we don't experience such problems. Look somewhere else for possible problems.
I'm using YOU and for single machine maintenance I've been quite happy with it. Switching to fou4s now that I'm going large-scale with SuSE 8.0, as 80 YOU windows is more than I want to handle.
Note that SuSE has obviously been working heavily on YaST2 and YOU development from 7.3 to 8.1. In 7.3, the ncurses-based (i.e. ASCII) GUI was terrible, it's definitely better (more responsive) in 8.1. YOU was the pits in 7.3. I experienced the same problems as the original poster, probably, I've ignored some inbetween mails in this thread. After I'd installed 7.3, YOU worked. It got slower and slower with every time I used it after that, eating more and more memory. After a couple of weeks it would terminate without doing its job on the lower-end machine of the two I have, with 64 MB of physical RAM and a 128 MB swap. Note that it had been swap-thrashing for quite some time before that. YOU in 8.0 is a lot more conservative in memory use. I've switched to fou4s for its easier automated use and useful features over YOU, not planning to go back. Just wanted to say that you can't judge YOU on a 7.3 system when all you know is 8.0 or 8.1. They're very different in behaviour, believe me. Tobias