*** Reply to message from "ROB" <robnyc@dslr.net> on Sat, 6 Nov 2004 11:01:36 -0500 One more candle and a trip around the Sun***
I ran a test on www.grc.com and my test failed So I guess I didn't configure my firewall properly.
Well first, grc.com test doesn't mean much. However, did it say you had all the ports open or did it say you aren't "stealth" ? If it says you aren't stealth but your ports are closed, that is fine. You don't have to be stealth to be safe. IF OTH you have ports open, you need to find out why. Suse's firewall out of the box closes all the dangerous ones... so if you opened any of them you need to go back and close them usually you can do this w/ yast and the firewall configuration screens. IF you don't have Suse's firewall running on your personal computer, enable it ( yast again, it's in the network setup IIRC . Where you put in your ISP info, there is a checkbox to turn on Suse's personal firewall. As I said it closes everything by default. And that is what you want. You will also want to redirect any ports you must have open to some higher port. You will find information about the configuration of the Suse firewalls and other network information in the /usr/share/doc directory, there are the manuals in the manual directory. These are the same as the books packed in w/ your boxed set. But if you didn't buy the pro boxed set they are included on your cds/dvds and usually are installed by default. -- j -- nemo me impune lacessit