1 Jun
1 Jun
On Saturday 01 June 2002 22:52, PR wrote:
GertJan Spoelman wrote:
On Saturday 01 June 2002 22:09, PR wrote:
I can't find port 1214 in /etc/services but still I don't like the fact it is accepted. What should I do do have it dropeed or rejected?
In your firewall2.rc.config item 11, set FW_ALLOW_INCOMING_HIGHPORTS_TCP to "no" or if you use ftp to "ftp-data"
that's what I did, but still it happened
Did you restart the firewall or rebooted the machine since you did that? Looking through the logs I find that on my firewall port 1214 does get dropped since I changed that, before it was accepted also. -- GertJan