Hello All,
I have set up a SQUID proxy on my SuSE 8.2 box, running Postfix, IPTables/Netfilter (using SuSEfirewall2 config wrapper) and Trend interscan Viruswall.
Site looks like:
Internet | Router | SuSE 8.2--MS SBS 2000 | LAN
The client wants to now run a web site off of their SBS server, but for security reasons I do not want to set up a reverse forward rule to their DMZ to the IIS server on the MS SBS server.
Has anyone here configured a SuSE box to use SQUID as a reverse proxy so that no direct connection is established to the IIS server, but just to the proxy (where I can run my virus checks and maliscious code checks through Trend (basic but better than nothing) before connecting to the internal IIS server?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards
Info: http://www.ngogeeks.com/node/view/272 Howto configure squid: http://squid.visolve.com/white_papers/reverseproxy.htm Next should be to transparent reverse proxy the server with your firewall: Redirect www-traffic from ext tcp port 80 -> firewall to proxy-port your firewall. The access to the www-server in DMZ ist done by squid. If you miss something here www.google.com/linux will be a nice help. Philippe