I dont know which software they run but when it comes to hardware they use Intel NICs. :) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Gerd Bitzer" <gerd.bitzer@tesion.de> To: "Roman Drahtmueller" <draht@suse.de> Cc: "Morsal Roudbay" <morsal@swipnet.se>; <suse-security@suse.com> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 1:20 PM Subject: Re: [suse-security] FTP daemons
Hello Roman,
do you (or anybody else in this list) know what kind of ftp Serversoftware is running on ftp.cdrom.com ? It's told that this site is the biggest ftp Server worldwide (3000 simultan connections on a machine with one CPU)
Roman Drahtmueller wrote:
Hello Roman, I cant really remember when I read it but there were actually several sources. I guess things can change fast. :-)
Nice of you to point out all this and I take your word. Right now I use ProFTPd and it's been working well but my load is around 6 connections, nothing compared to the SuSE ftp server. My server has been running very smoothly (SuSE 7.0) and has now been up for 62 days straight. I will try out the latest wu-ftpd tarball next week and see how that goes, but for me security comes first, not performance.
Well, 6 is nothing... :-) 600 is mid-range, and you notice the overhead at around 60-100, depending on your hardware. Basically, I find that a PII-350 should do the job sufficiently, provided that there's enough RAM (384-1G) and disks with extremely fast seek times.
Just as a reminder: in the SuSE package, the /usr/sbin/wu.ftpd is the old one, _not_ the 2.6 version. I'm not really sure if I can (security-wise) recommend the 2.6 version...
I was wondering, would it be more secure to use qmail for my SMTP server or is sendmail ok? Again I read from several sources so it's hard to tell which one is right, I'm sure u understand what I mean. :)
/Morsal We should open a different thread.
Roman. -- - - | Roman Drahtmüller <draht@suse.de> "Caution: Cape does not | SuSE GmbH - Security enable user to fly." | Nürnberg, Germany (Batman Costume warning label) | - -
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